Saya tidak akan menyebut Kode Rahasia Deddy Courbuzier NC1253HZ6 sebagai kebohongan besar dan penipuan publik karena menganggap mayoritas bangsa Indonesia layak untuk dibodohi dan 'dikadali', cuma bahan pembelajaran bagi kita bahwa ramalan Just 4 Fun ... jika betul itu adalah cuma 'kebetulan' seperti Prediksi Gurita Paul sekalipun ... yang selalu tepat di ajang Piala Dunia 2010 bukan untuk dipercaya. Atau alternatif lainnya ada teknik 'tipeng menipeng' dalam rangka membuat ramalan tersebut jitu dan tepat.
Let's review - this video NC1253HZ6 Funniest Video thoroughly. Note :
- Page is a channel on YouTube.
- NC1253HZ6 is the name of the user, and not a link or a link of main video.
- The actual video link is
- There is only one video in NC1253HZ6 canal. The title of the video itself is NC1253HZ6.
pada awalnya saya tidak mempermasalahkan lah nih org emg nipu bgt,,tapi pas saya baca twitter dia ketika ada org mention : @melkisilalahi: @corbuzier go find another job dude! you suck!Index Google saat dicek beberapa jam yang lalu, hasil pencarian link - Video Youtube NC1253HZ6 Deddy Corbuzier saya lebih suka menyebutnya Video Youtube NC1253HZ6 Funniest Video -, video tersebut di upload 7 jam yang lalu. Silahkan simpulkan sendiri apakah ini akal-akalan Master Deddy Courbuzier atau Mesin Pencari Google yang salah index.
trs si dedy jawabnya : Well im not going to find another job.. This one FUN.
pada saat baca jawaban itu lah gue keselnya, jadi bagi dia nipu 200jt lebih rakyat Indonesia adalah sebuah lelucon yg menyenangkan ? a BIG NO..kita harus lebih luas lagi nyebarin kebohongan dia, ini bkn pertama kali loh dia boong.
Ketikkan kata Kunci pada google : Video Youtube NC1253HZ6
Finally, what is meant by NC1253HZ6 code revealed this morning, after Spanish victory over the Dutch in 2010 World Cup final. Deddy live performed on a television screen with ceremony of opening the box.
There is a piece of writing paper inside with a score of "Netherlands 0-2 Spain", but the number 2 in a scratch, and replaced by number 1. Furthermore, Deddy disclose the meaning of NC1253HZ6. He opened the folded two boards: the front side shows "NC1253HZ6", then he turned the other side is written "". Apparently NC1253HZ6 is a channel on YouTube !
In the canal, there is Deddy's video who said: "Now the date is 16 dawn, and I predict which country will win the FIFA World Cup 2010 ... is Spain. Once again the country that will win the FIFA World Cup 2010 is Spain, and this video I will upload to YouTube as soon as possible after the recording was finished I make. "
And indeed, Deddy immediately upload the video, so it's listed 17 June 2010 as the date of the upload video.
Let's review this video NC1253HZ6 thoroughly. Note:
sumber: is a piece of writing paper inside with a score of "Netherlands 0-2 Spain", but the number 2 in a scratch, and replaced by number 1. Furthermore, Deddy disclose the meaning of NC1253HZ6. He opened the folded two boards: the front side shows "NC1253HZ6", then he turned the other side is written "". Apparently NC1253HZ6 is a channel on YouTube !
In the canal, there is Deddy's video who said: "Now the date is 16 dawn, and I predict which country will win the FIFA World Cup 2010 ... is Spain. Once again the country that will win the FIFA World Cup 2010 is Spain, and this video I will upload to YouTube as soon as possible after the recording was finished I make. "
And indeed, Deddy immediately upload the video, so it's listed 17 June 2010 as the date of the upload video.
Let's review this video NC1253HZ6 thoroughly. Note:
- Page is a channel on YouTube.
- NC1253HZ6 is the name of the user, and not a link or a link of main video.
- The actual video link is
- There is only one video in NC1253HZ6 canal. The title of the video itself is NC1253HZ6.
Four points above suspicion, because:
If Deddy want to give a clue, should be given is
If Deddy want to give a clue, should be given is
- 6WYnOQyWQe4, not NC1253HZ6. Automatically, given NC1253HZ6 is a fraud.
- In the video, the score was not mentioned. Automatically, inside the box with writing "Netherlands 0-2 Spain" is questionable. If he had assured, Deddy should mention the scores in this video.
- Date of uploaded videos can be changed.
- A canal could accommodate as much as possible the number of video and can be removed later.
- Each channel consists of the "Recent Activity" or note of the latest activity which can be removed.
- All videos are uploaded by the user can be set so that no visible by the public. There are three choices of broadcasting:
- Public (general): Everyone can see the video.
- Unlisted : Only people who have a link that can see the video.
- Private : Maximum 25 people can see the video, and people who have access are determined by the user.
1) The date of upload can be manipulated.
2) "Recent Activity" can be deleted.
3) The types of broadcasting: public, not signed, or confidential / private.
4) All uploaded videos can be deleted and no longer detectable in list of activities.
THE Think - In conclusion:
1. It's hoax, hoax to the max!
2. NC1253HZ6 code has no meaning or not at all relevant to a video link on YouTube.
3. Deddy Corbuzier suspected of public victimization.
4. Alleged suspicions:
* Deddy upload 32 videos on June 17, 2010 with enunciations on their respective Video:
"I predict ... Spain ..."
"I predict ... Brazil ..."
"I predict ... Honduras ..."
And so forth.
2) "Recent Activity" can be deleted.
3) The types of broadcasting: public, not signed, or confidential / private.
4) All uploaded videos can be deleted and no longer detectable in list of activities.
THE Think - In conclusion:
1. It's hoax, hoax to the max!
2. NC1253HZ6 code has no meaning or not at all relevant to a video link on YouTube.
3. Deddy Corbuzier suspected of public victimization.
4. Alleged suspicions:
* Deddy upload 32 videos on June 17, 2010 with enunciations on their respective Video:
"I predict ... Spain ..."
"I predict ... Brazil ..."
"I predict ... Honduras ..."
And so forth.
- Then the 31 videos which have wrong predictions were deleted before the announcement this morning.
The second scenario is a video aired by manipulation of dates.
- Video NC1253HZ6 be set so that is not known by public before the announcement early morning.
Lastly, Deddy Corbuzier no greater than Paul the Octopus, which reveals 2010 World Cup champion before the finals began.
If you don't believe , just look at these pictures in source news
If you don't believe , just look at these pictures in source news
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